My two younger sisters and I were walking to the stadium to go to the Reds game today. They are both taller than me and don't bother to slow down their walking so I can keep up. (They're so nice to me.) We reach the street we need to cross and all of a sudden they darted across the street. Me, being in my own little world took a minute to realize that they were running across because the light was about to turn green. So I just kind of started strolling across the street without really paying attention. All of a sudden I see a Cincinnati Metro bus coming right at me. I was about to the other side of the street when I started running because I realized the bus was NOT going to stop or slow down for me. YIKES!
What do my sisters do as soon as I reach safety? They start cracking up and then proceed to walk much faster than me telling me how dumb I am in the process. Fortunately, I thought the whole thing was funny as well. I'm a good sport! Bahahaha...good sport...we were going to a Reds game which is a...nevermind.
Mean Girls (Special Collector's Edition)
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